
The idea behind our Retreat is twofold: to take one of the most beautiful and inspirational spots on the Southern Coast and share this natural treasure with other writers from around the world. And in continuing our fifty-year history of strong support for writers at Ossabaw Island, we match qualified faculty with participants to help them hone their writing skills such that in their future successes they will share the gift of The Ossabaw Island Writers’ Retreat with others.

We believe in your work and in the integrity of your artistry. Therefore, we do everything we can to address your expectations and needs while on the island. Our program is filled with hours of workshop, seminar, reading and writing activities. But we also acknowledge the necessity for every artist to spend time alone, and we will, therefore, afford you lots of time to just wander about the island, or work from the porch, or in your room. Moreover, since the Retreat will be a small group, with a maximum 5-to-1 ratio of writers to faculty, we look forward to making you feel as special as you deserve by giving you  and your work time and attention that you will not find in any other Retreat.

Below, you will find a brief description of the week’s itinerary and schedule.  Please feel free to contact us if you have further questions at

FRIDAY AFTERNOON: Arrive at marina. Ferry to island and settle in. Early cocktails and light hors d’oeuve and dinner. Introduction to island, faculty, program. Faculty reading and one-on-one introductions.

SATURDAY-TUESDAY: Mornings begin with breakfast served between 7:30-9:30 am., followed by genre workshops from 10 am-12 pm. Lunch is served from 12-1 pm, followed by scheduled one-on-one faculty consultations. Craft and publisher seminars run from 2-3:30 pm, followed scheduled one-on-one faculty consultations. Dinner served from 6-7 pm, followed by faculty/student readings from 7-9 pm.

MONDAY: Exploration day set aside for discovery. Island tours, writing, hiking, swimming, or just relaxing on the porch or beside the inter-coastal waterways. Breakfast/lunch/dinner follows normal schedule. Readings in the evenings.

WEDNESDAY: Breakfast served from 7:30-9:30 am. Final workshop meetings and one-on-one faculty consultations


Fri Sat Sun Mon Tues Wed
7-9 am  Brkfast  Brkfast  Brkfast  Brkfast  Brkfast
9-noon  Wrkshop  Wrkshop  Explore  Wrkshop  Wrkshop
noon-1  Lunch  Lunch  Lunch  Lunch  Depart
2-3:30  Seminar  Seminar  Explore  Seminar
3:30-6  Arrive Consult  Consult  Consult  Consult
6-7  Dinner  Dinner  Dinner  Dinner  Dinner
8-9  Reading  Reading  Reading  Reading  Reading